An original, unified algorithm of rehabilitation protocol based on Achilles tendon healing stages - a study based on Achilles tendon reconstruction cases
ESSKA Academy, Agnieszka Rosinska, 209229
Arthroscopic Repair of Lateral Ankle Ligament for Chronic Lateral Ankle Instability: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
ESSKA Academy, Yoshiharu Shimozono, 209230
Measurement Properties of the most commonly used Foot and Ankle Specific Questionnaires: the FFI, FAOS and FAAM; A Systematic Review
ESSKA Academy, Inger Sierevelt, 209231
The New Modeling Method at Midfoot Deformities
ESSKA Academy, Evgenii Sorokin, 209232
Morphological changes in peroneal tendons in patients with calcaneal malunions
ESSKA Academy, Evgenii Sorokin, 209233
The New Method of Planning Calcaneal Deformities Correction
ESSKA Academy, Evgenii Sorokin, 209234
Missed Fractures - The role of routine CT Scan in Trimalleolar Fractures
ESSKA Academy, Tomasz Szyma###ski, 209235
Comparative study of arthroscopic anterior talofibular ligament repair for chronic lateral ankle instability with or without os subfibulare
ESSKA Academy, Kenji Takahashi, 209236
Radiographic parameters with potential prognostic value: a reliability analysis
ESSKA Academy, Gwendolyn Vuurberg, 209237
Guideline update on Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention of Ankle Sprains
ESSKA Academy, Gwendolyn Vuurberg, 209238
Risk Factors for Chronic Ankle Instability: indications for early surgical treatment? An observational prospective cohort
ESSKA Academy, Gwendolyn Vuurberg, 209239
Long term follow-up of 20 patients with an Achilles tendon Re-rupture using validated outcome measures
ESSKA Academy, Olof Westin, 209240
Reoperation and complication rates following operative treatment for ankle fractures in individuals younger than 65 -large database analysis-
ESSKA Academy, Youichi YASUI, 209241
Male gender and older age may be independent risk factors associated with reoperation and wound complications following cheilectomy on hallux rigidus. - analysis on the outcomes of 12,422 patients -
ESSKA Academy, Youichi YASUI, 209242
Effect of subchondral edema on repaired tissue after bone marrow stimulation for osteochondral talar lesions
ESSKA Academy, Ichiro Yoshimura, 209243
Accelerated return-to-sport after Brostrom-repair with fibre tape augmentation for chronic ankle instability. A prospective case series.
ESSKA Academy, Joris de Kort, 209244
Arthroscopic Anterior Ankle Decompression is Successful in NFL Football Players
ESSKA Academy, Darren de SA, 209245
Stratification of Osteoarthritis (OA): Whole genome sequencing of gene expression in cartilage samples from 60 patients at joint replacement identifies that they fall into two major subsets
ESSKA Academy, Sanjay Anand, 209246
Testing the Face Validity of a Virtual Reality Hip Arthroscopy Simulator
ESSKA Academy, Jonathan Bartlett, 209247
Medical Student Learning Curves for a Validated Hip Arthroscopy Simulator
ESSKA Academy, Jonathan Bartlett, 209248
Sensomotoric deficits persist following successful shoulder surgery
ESSKA Academy, Knut Beitzel, 209249
Surgical Anatomy of the Deep Gluteal Space Related to Arthroscopic Treatment of Piriform Syndrome. Anatomical Variations And Morphometric Study.
ESSKA Academy, Bruno Capurro, 209250
Biomechanical Model for Biceps Tenodesis Using Sawbones and Ovine Tendons
ESSKA Academy, Ofir Chechik, 209251
Clinical and Radiological Outcomes of Greater Tuberosity Fractures with Arthroscopic Treatment
ESSKA Academy, Sungwook Choi, 209252
Clinical outcomes of minimally invasive open reduction and internal fixation by screw and washer for displaced greater tuberosity fracture of the humerus
ESSKA Academy, Kwangho Chung, 209253
Single-leg hop test side-to-side asymmetry and statistical versus clinical significance data analysis in knee injury control research
ESSKA Academy, Nicholas Clark, 209254
Relationship Between Lower Limb Motor Performance Measures Relevant to Knee Injury Control in Uninjured Adult Netball Players
ESSKA Academy, Nicholas Clark, 209255
Safety of a 2-Portal Posterolateral approach to arthroscopic reattachment of lateral meniscus root: A Cadaveric Study
ESSKA Academy, Adrian Cuellar, 209256
Injuries in German club level tennis players
ESSKA Academy, K Fehske, 209257
Gait quality assessed by trunk accelerometry after total knee arthroplasty and its association with patient related outcome measures
ESSKA Academy, Bas Fransen, 209258
Creating a baseline of physiological walking parameters for Balb/c and C57Bl/6 mice - a gait analysis study
ESSKA Academy, Tobias Fritz, 209259
Adjustable suture loops for extracortical fixation of ACL grafts partially fail under cyclic loading and unloading conditions
ESSKA Academy, Johannes Glasbrenner, 209260
Tranexamic acid cytotoxicity on human chondrocytes: an in vitro study.
ESSKA Academy, Remo Goderecci, 209261
Semi Active Robotic Uni compartmental Knee Replacement. Outcomes at upto 4 yrs in a DGH
ESSKA Academy, Alberto Gregori, 209262
Outcome and Satisfaction of Fasciotomy for Patients with Chronic Exertional Compartment Syndrome of the Lower Leg
ESSKA Academy, Mohammed Hassaballa, 209263
Pressure algometry is a reliable tool for anterior knee pain assessment in osteoarthritic knees
ESSKA Academy, Pedro Hinarejos, 209264
The three-dimensional dynamic function of the ankle syndesmosis during extreme athletic activities: Implications for treatment strategies
ESSKA Academy, Kenneth Hunt, 209265
Assessment of outcomes following athletic injuries and treatments using the NIH PROMIS tools
ESSKA Academy, Kenneth Hunt, 209266
Platelet-rich plasma promotes proliferation and migration of both tendon-proper derived stem/progenitor cells and peritenon derived stem/progenitor cells
ESSKA Academy, Sosuke Imai, 209267
Concomittant injury of the anterolateral extra-articular structures of the knee in patients with anterior cruciate ligament rupture
ESSKA Academy, Hans-Christian Jeske, 209268
Do Biomechanics Analyses of the Knee indicate a greater ACL Injury Risk during a particular Phase of Stance during Football Cutting?
ESSKA Academy, Rajiv Kaila, 209269
Robot-Assisted Implantation Improves the Precision of Component Position in Minimally Invasive Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Controlled Cadaveric Study Using Three-Dimensional Computed Tomography
ESSKA Academy, Sang-MIn Kim, 209270
Histopathological study of infrapatellar fat pad in a rat patellar tendinopathy model
ESSKA Academy, Takashi Kitagawa, 209271
Implementation of preseasonal neuromotoric screening tests and an interventional training program - Which is the best way to prevent severe knee injuries in elite football ?
ESSKA Academy, Werner KRUTSCH, 209272
Cerclage wiring fixation with locking plates for distal femoral fracture:
ESSKA Academy, Suchyun Kweon, 209273
Evaluation of arthroscopic training using a porcine knee model
ESSKA Academy, Hee-Soo KYUNG, 209275
Correlation between MRI and arthroscopic findings of knee pathologies in a developing world's orthopaedic hospital
ESSKA Academy, Emmanuel Laiyemo, 209276
Establishing a CORA in transverse plane deformities of the lower limb - an investigation in patients with patella instability
ESSKA Academy, Armin Runer, 209277
Multiple Iliopsoas Tendons and Their Implications in Internal Snapping Hip Syndrome
ESSKA Academy, Benjamin Lin, 209278
Does low oxygen tension hamper one-step cartilage repair with minced chondral fragments? an in-vitro human study
ESSKA Academy, Antonio Marmotti, 209279
Is Tranexamic Acid toxic for cartilage, synovia and tendon? The rational for an intrarticular use of TA.
ESSKA Academy, Antonio Marmotti, 209280
Differential motion and compression between the plantaris and Achilles tendons: a contributing factor to midportion Achilles tendinopathy?
ESSKA Academy, Daniel Marsland, 209281
Posterior tibialis tendon transfer for foot drop: Interference screw fixation versus Pulvertaft weave
ESSKA Academy, Daniel Marsland, 209282
How to find the calcaneofibular ligament footprint on the calcaneus
ESSKA Academy, Frederick MICHELS, 209283
Arthroscopic repair of the Anterior Talo - Fibular Ligament - mid term results
ESSKA Academy, Andrzej Mioduszewski, 209284
Knee arthroscopic simulation can be used to train speed and gaze strategies in arthroscopic surgery
ESSKA Academy, Yusuf Mirza, 209285
Unloader knee brace increases medial compartment joint space during gait in knee osteoarthritis patients
ESSKA Academy, Kanto Nagai, 209286
Effect of Jack-knife stretching on tightness of the lower extremity and on kicking
ESSKA Academy, Junsuke Nakase, 209287
An anatomic study on the attachment of the joint capsule to the tibia in the lateral side of the knee.
ESSKA Academy, Hisayo Nasu, 209288
Concentrations of serum cartilage oligomeric matrix protein before and after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.
ESSKA Academy, Yohei Nishida, 209289
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) promotes tendon repair through recruitment of macrophages (MPs)
ESSKA Academy, Hirofumi Nishio, 209290
Long-Axis Rotational Training Improves Lower Extremity Neuromuscular Control During Forward Single Leg Drop Jump Landing and Stabilization
ESSKA Academy, John NYLAND, 209291
Pullout strength of all-suture anchors: effect of the insertion and pulling angle - A biomechanical study -
ESSKA Academy, Joo Han Oh, 209292
Assessment of Throwing Shoulders of Professional Baseball Pitchers and Affecting Factors for Kerlan-Jobe Orthopedic Scores
ESSKA Academy, Joo Han Oh, 209293
Effectiveness of Eccentric Hip Abduction Exercise on Incidence of Ankle Sprain
ESSKA Academy, Yasuaki Okawa, 209294
Glenoid Bone Strains in Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty: A Biomechanical Study in Cadaveric Scapulae.
ESSKA Academy, Leo Pauzenberger, 209295
Knotless double-layer reconstruction of delaminated rotator cuff tears: A biomechanical study in cadaveric shoulders.
ESSKA Academy, Leo Pauzenberger, 209296
Glenoid Reconstruction with an Implant-free J-Bone Graft for Anterior Glenoid Bone-Loss: The Biomechanical Rationale.
ESSKA Academy, Leo Pauzenberger, 209297
MRI - visibility of the anterolateral ligament and the deep structures of the iliotibial tract in the paediatric patient
ESSKA Academy, Christoph Raas, 209298
Wich is the most reproducible classification system to assess tibial plateau fractures?
ESSKA Academy, Eduard Ramírez Bermejo, 209299
Validation and Implementation of Proms in Orthopaedic Sports Medicine preliminary results in 100 patients
ESSKA Academy, Sergio Rocha PIEDADE, 209300
Leg muscle strength and neuromuscular control and valgus loading of the knee
ESSKA Academy, Sofia Ryman Augustsson, 209301
Distal Femoral Valgus Osteotomy Could Normalize Knee Joint-line During Gait
ESSKA Academy, Hidetomo Saito, 209302
Evaluation of medial meniscal extrusion with upright loading magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasonography in healthy adult knees
ESSKA Academy, Kengo Shimozaki, 209303
Tendon specific regeneration: observed intrinsic tendon healing using the film model method
ESSKA Academy, Kengo Shimozaki, 209304
Reporting of Prophylactic Antibiotics in Hip Arthroscopy: A Systematic Review and Survey
ESSKA Academy, Nicole Simunovic, 209305
The Utility of Biomarkers in Femoroacetabular Impingement: A Systematic Review
ESSKA Academy, Nicole Simunovic, 209306
Gender differences in cutting maneuver mechanics among young children and the effects of hip strength
ESSKA Academy, Haukur Már Sveinsson, 209307
Adipose-derived Stem Cell Sheet Promote Meniscus Regeneration in Rabbit Model
ESSKA Academy, Yasushi Takata, 209308
Screening of High Level Weight-lifters to Identify the Prevalence of Hip Injury and Risk Factors for Labral Pathology
ESSKA Academy, Georgios Tsikouris, 209309
Diagnostic capability of ultrasound assessment in early stage of metatarsal shaft stress fractures: a comparison with magnetic resonance imaging
ESSKA Academy, Keisuke Tsukada, 209310
Cam Impact and Femoral Head Asphericity - A New Evaluation Method for Deformity of Proximal Femur
ESSKA Academy, Hajime Utsunomiya, 209311
Blocking TGF-ß1 with Oral Losartan Administration Improves Microfracture-Mediated Cartilage Repair. A Preliminary Study
ESSKA Academy, Hajime Utsunomiya, 209312
Bilateral Hip Arthroscopy: A Systematic Review
ESSKA Academy, Darren de SA, 209314
Treatment of Osteoarthritis with the Stromal Vascular Fraction of Abdominal Adipose Tissue - a Pilot Study
ESSKA Academy, K. Barfod, 209315
Arthroscopic Cartilage Lesion Preparation in the Human Knee Using Standard Curette Technique: Morphologic Variations and Location-Dependent Qualitative Differences Demonstrated by Histologic Examination
ESSKA Academy, Adrian BŁASIAK, 209316
Effect of Size of lesion on Clinical Outcomes after Microfracture on the patella or trochlear groove.
ESSKA Academy, Karen Briggs, 209317
A non-scaffold method of mesenchymal stem cells autologous transplantation for deep knee cartilage lesions repair: 2 years results
ESSKA Academy, Dzmitry Bukach, 209318
Relationship between Tibial Spine Size and the Occurrence of Osteochondritis Dissecans: An Argument in Favor of the Impingement Theory
ESSKA Academy, Etienne CAVAIGNAC, 209319
Autologous bone marrow cell stimulation and Allogenic chondrocyte implantation for the repair of full thickness articular cartilage defects in a rabbit model
ESSKA Academy, Sungwook Choi, 209320
Effect of Metabolic syndrome on Osteoarthritis progression: A comparative study
ESSKA Academy, Devendra Chouhan, 209321
Comparison of Two Different Cartilage Repair Techniques : Combined Osteochondral Autograft Transfer and Microfracture Technique versus Microfracture Only Technique
ESSKA Academy, Jaehoon Chung, 209322
Biophysical stimulation improves clinical results of matrix assisted autologous chondrocyte implantation in the treatment of chondral lesions of the knee
ESSKA Academy, Marco Collarile, 209323
Relationship Between Pain and Aggregated Locomotor Function Score in Patients With Osteoarthritis of The Knee
ESSKA Academy, Ersin ERCIN, 209324
The effect of fibrin glue on a scaffold-based osteochondral regeneration model: an animal study
ESSKA Academy, G. Filardo, 209326
Implant Strategy Affects Scaffold Stability And Integrity In Cartilage Treatment
ESSKA Academy, G. Filardo, 209327
Qualification of the ultrasound imaging technique in the quantitative assessment of the cartilage in the condylar femoral articulation and of the osteoarthritis
ESSKA Academy, Adrien Gleyzolle, 209328
Study of in vivo toxity of local anesthetics on the rat cartilage
ESSKA Academy, Ioannis Gliatis, 209329

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